Web Player & YouTube Channel

We are, as always, indebted to our listeners. Inclusive of some listeners’ strange practices and fetishes toward browser-media, not only will you now find a web player via the wonderful Podlove, you can, if you so choose, listen to Nighttime Stories on YouTube. Also, if you like, feel free to stare at a new, ontologically unique static image for the length of each episode.

Life is dry ambition. Don’t be too careful how you spend it.

Podcast Feed Irregularities

Hello again from Williamsburg Bluffs.

The wind is chilled, the fire warm but out of sight.

You may have noticed some irregularities in your iTunes or other podcatcher feed, including downloads of old episodes. We did our best to minimize any reduplication, but during the migration to a new site format (which hopefully looks and functions a bit better for those listening to the podcast from the web) some feed changes, including to the feed URL, were made. Permanent redirects from the old feed to the new have been made, which are the most likely cause regardless of your podcatcher of choice.

If you need to manually update to the new feed from the old, please use the following URL:


As always, the Contact page has information for getting in touch if you choose to do so.

We hope you find the fire.

iTunes & Feeds, Invitations to Feedback!

We’ve got things started out right here at Nighttime Stories… at least on one point: you can now Subscribe in iTunes! If you use another podcast aggregator (such as BeyondPod for Android or gPodder), the feed URL is:

https://nighttimestories.org/feed/mp3  ( updated 2017/02/03 )

There’s a slim possibility of other feeds coming through the pipes in future, as necessary to fulfill your every whim.

And, as always, you’re invited to give feedback. Review and rate on iTunes, email me at hpnightly@nighttimestories.org, etc., and we’ll endeavor to take your comments and suggestions to heart.

Thank you for listening.

More to come.